1. Enrolment
Students should enrol in their chosen course of study by completing an Enrolment Form. The enrolment form should be returned to DELTRA Australia, accompanied by the required fee as specified in the course information sheet. Should you change any of your enrolment information, including address, telephone contact etc, please complete a Change to Enrolment form which is provided by your Trainer/Assessor upon request. Should you have need to discuss any administrative matters, please contact the DELTRA Australia.
2. Induction
Students receive induction into their course/assessment by the Trainer/Assessor at the commencement of the course/assessment. Applicable information and forms are distributed, and relevant DELTRA Australia’s policies, such as Workplace Health and Safety, are discussed.
3. Audit
DELTRA Australia may be required to provide student contact details to the Training and Employment Recognition Council for the purpose of an audit of DELTRA Australia conducted by the Training and Employment Recognition Council. As part of the audit process, the Council may use students’ contact details to interview students about the training provided by DELTRA Australia.
4. Student Welfare & Guidance
4.1 Access & Equity
DELTRA Australia is committed to ensuring access and equity for all Students.
4.2 Welfare & Guidance
DELTRA Australia seeks to provide welfare and guidance services to students on an individual basis. Further, DELTRA Australia will provide support to assist students with disabilities to undertake their courses. Students requiring assistance in welfare and guidance, or students with disabilities, should contact DELTRA Australia to discuss their support needs.
4.3 Language, Literacy and Numeracy Assistance
DELTRA Australia is committed to ensuring that Students have access to language, literacy and numeracy assistance where necessary, as indicated by Students or identified by Staff. To that end, external support mechanisms are called upon on a needs basis to provide individual assistance to Students. Application for such assistance should be made to DELTRA Australia.
5. Training & Assessment
5.1 Training Delivery
Delivery strategies utilised by DELTRA Australia are always selected to best achieve the required learning outcomes/elements of competence while giving full consideration to the learning style of the Student. The provision of training for all programs may include a combination of off and on-the-job delivery such as classroom teaching, demonstrations, practical exercises, group workshops, simulations/role plays, projects, audio/visual presentations, site visits and guest speakers.
5.2 Assessment
DELTRA Australia has demonstrable experience and skill in providing or facilitating assessments which meet the endorsed components of the relevant training package(s) and/or accredited courses that DELTRA is recognised to provide. DELTRA Australia is committed to ensuring valid and reliable assessment of achievements against industry competency standards or units from accredited courses, and all assessment undertaken by DELTRA remains consistent with the National Assessment Principles. Various assessment techniques are used according to course/competency requirements. Assessment strategies used include questioning, observation, workplace performance, work portfolios, practical demonstrations, written examinations, assignments/projects, third party reports and student presentations/demonstrations.
Results are graded according to the following:
- Competency Achieved
- Competency Not Yet Achieved
- Unable to Achieve Competency.
Students deemed as “Competency Not Yet Achieved” are provided feedback regarding their assessment and areas for improvement to meet competency. Students must re-submit their assessment taking into account the feedback provided. Students are allowed up to two attempts to successfully submit their assessment. Failure to meet the competency requirement at the third attempt will result in the grading “Unable to Achieve Competency”. Students having difficulty completing their assessment may choose to participate on one-on-one training/assessment. Where chosen, the One-on-One Trainer Consultation Fee applies.
Unless otherwise negotiated, all training and assessment must be completed within 12 months of date of commencement of the course. Failure to submit required assessment within the 12 month period will result in cancellation of enrolment, and certification being finalised and issued for the completed units of competency only. Students wishing to complete outstanding assessment outside of the 12 month period are required to re-enrol in the relevant units of competency, and complete all associated requirements therein.
Students will be issued a Competency Report. Students are required to return a signed copy of the Competency Agreement Statement on the Competency Report to DELTRA Australia. Courses are deemed to be completed once the signed Competency Agreement is received by DELTRA Australia.
Students will be issued with a Qualification or a Statement of Attainment within 21 days after completion or partial completion of a course.
5.3 Recognition of Prior Learning
Students who consider they already possess the competencies identified in all or part of any course/qualification offered by DELTRA Australia will be encouraged to seek recognition of them. This process is referred to as Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). It can also be referred to as Recognition of Current Competence (RCC). It is the determination on an individual basis of the competencies obtained by a student through previous formal training, work experience and/or life experience. RPL determines the consequent advanced standing to which the student is entitled in relation to a course/qualification. The main focus of RPL/RCC is what has been learned rather than how, where or when it was learned. Students wishing to apply for recognition of prior learning must complete a Recognition of Prior Learning Application form and provide documentary evidence of prior learning to DELTRA Australia.
5.4 Mutual Recognition
DELTRA Australia recognises the Australian Qualifications Framework qualifications and Statements of Attainment issued by any other Registered Training Organisation. Students wishing to apply for credit transfer must complete an Application for Credit form and provide documentary evidence to substantiate their application to DELTRA Australia.
5.5 Assignments
Assignments must be submitted to the Trainer/Assessor. Individual Trainers/Assessors may grant extensions to the due date for assignments, if Students can provide good reasons for doing so. Assignments received after the due date may be penalised.
Students who:
- Copy another Student’s work;
- Copy from written material without acknowledgement;
- Use the work of another without reference,
are cheating and risk receiving no marks for the assignment, failure in the course and could lead to exclusion from DELTRA Australia.
5.6 Appeals Process
A fair an impartial appeals process is always available to DELTRA Australia students. If a student wishes to appeal his/her assessment result, a request outlining the reason(s) for the appeal is to be lodged with the Managing Director. A review of assessment will be automatically initiated, involving a re-assessment by an impartial assessor (and under no circumstance the initial assessor). The assessment appeal procedure will be complete following the assessment outcome of the re-assessment, and students will be notified of the final decision in writing within 14 days.
6. Grievance & Disciplinary Procedures
6.1 Complaints & Grievance Procedure
If a student wishes to lodge a complaint or grievance, an approach will initially need to be made to the student’s Trainer/Assessor. If the complaint or grievance, however, involves the student’s Trainer/Assessor, an approach will need to be made to the Managing Director. All attempts will be made by DELTRA Australia to resolve the complaint or grievance internally with all parties involved. Each party will be given the opportunity to present their case, and parties will be notified of the final decision within 14 days. In the instance, however, that the complaint or grievance cannot be resolved internally, an appropriate legal or independently impartial body will be approached immediately to act as an objective and impartial arbitrator. The student will be consulted as to the selection of the appropriate legal/impartial body. DELTRA Australia will allow the student to be represented by an impartial body in any subsequent discussion.
6.2 Disciplinary Procedure
In order to maintain a fair, consistent and logical study discipline, all students are subject to disciplinary procedures detailed below:
Stage 1 – Verbal Warning
The normal action in the first instance of a failure to meet DELTRA Australia’ standards will be a verbal warning by a Trainer/Assessor or the Managing Director. In more serious cases, Stage 1 will be omitted and a first or second written warning will be issued.
Stage 2 – First Written Warning
Continued failure to reach DELTRA Australia’ standards or a more serious breach of discipline will justify a first written warning.
Stage 3 – Second (Final) Written Warning
Continued failure to reach standards or a more serious breach of discipline will justify a second (final) written warning.
Stage 4 – Cancellation of Enrolment
A student’s enrolment may be cancelled with or without notice according to the circumstances if, in spite of a verbal and written warnings, he/she fails to reach the DELTRA Australia’ required standards.
6.3 Instant Cancellation of Enrolment
Regardless of the above, instant cancellation of enrolment, without notice, can occur where a student is involved in:
- Breaking the law;
- Theft;
- Damage to property;
- Immoral or indecent behaviour;
- Gross insubordination;
- Falsifying student records;
- Malicious or slanderous acts, which may cause DELTRA Australia damage or disrepute;
- Gross breach of security or confidentiality.