Our mission at DELTRA Australia is to ensure that you comply with your legislative requirements.
But, we understand that some people like to do their own thing. That’s why we have provided some free resources to help you on your way…
- Emergency Control Organisation Register – This is used to list the Wardens within your organisation, and should be disseminated to your staff.
- Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan – This document plans the actions to be taken to ensure the safe evacuation of persons requiring assistance.
- Evacuation Checklist – Use this checklist during an emergency to ensure that your staff have safely evacuated and are accounted for.
- Fire & Evacuation Instruction Record – This records the participants in each training session, as well as the content covered during the session.
- Evacuation Exercise Observers’ Checklist – Use this checklist to record the activities of Wardens and Staff during a practice evacuation.
- Fire Extinguisher Chart
Of course, the staff at DELTRA Australia are always ready to assist you with your individual training needs. Call us on 1300 830 570 or