DELTRA Australia conducts our Fire Safety Adviser and Fire Safety Adviser Recertification courses via video link using the Zoom application which can be accessed via desktop, laptop or any mobile device. Students can participate in our courses from the workplace or in the comfort of their own home, reducing the need for travel, time and other related expenses.

Instructions on using Zoom are provided prior to the course.

This is a face-to-face course delivered via Zoom – you are required to be in attendance (via Zoom) on the course day/s.

Fire Safety Advisor CourseOur Fire Safety Advisor Course and FSA Recertification Course are designed to meet the requirements of the Queensland Building Fire Safety Regulation 2008 for high occupancy buildings. 

PLEASE NOTE:  The PUAWER Units of Competency have been superseded by PUAFER Units of Competency.  RTOs are no longer permitted to deliver PUAWER Units of Competency.

We are pleased to offer the following courses:


PUAFER001 Identify, prevent and report potential facility emergency situations
PUAFER002 Ensure facility emergency prevention procedures, systems and processes are implemented
PUAFER003 Manage and monitor facility emergency procedures, equipment and other resources
PUAFER004 Respond to facility emergencies
PUAFER005 Operate as part of an emergency control organisation
PUAFER006 Lead an emergency control organisation
PUAFER007 Manage an emergency control organisation
PUAFER008 Confine small emergencies in a facility
*NOTE: If the date is open, there are course vacancies.

Fire Safety Advisor Course

IDEAL FOR : Persons newly-appointed as a Fire Safety Advisor or those whose previous FSA certification has lapsed
OUTCOME : Nationally-Recognised Statement of Attainment
DURATION : 2-Days Classroom via Zoom (8.30am-4.30pm Qld Time) + Online Workplace Project
PUAFER001 Identify, prevent and report potential facility emergency situations
PUAFER002 Ensure facility emergency prevention procedures, systems and processes are implemented
PUAFER003 Manage and monitor facility emergency procedures, equipment and other resources
PUAFER004 Respond to facility emergencies
PUAFER005 Operate as part of an emergency control organisation
PUAFER006 Lead an emergency control organisation
PUAFER007 Manage an emergency control organisation
PUAFER008 Confine small emergencies in a facility
COURSE DATES : JAN 2025: No class
*NOTE: If the date is open, there are course vacancies.: FEB 2025: Tue 11th - Wed 12th
MAR 2025: Tue 11th - Wed 12th
APR 2025: No class
MAY 2025: Tue 6th - Wed 7th
JUN 2025: Tue 10th - Wed 11th
JUL 2025: Tue 8th - Wed 9th
AUG 2025: Tue 19th - Wed 20th
SEP 2025: No class
OCT 2025: Tue 7th - Wed 8th
NOV 2025: Tue 11th - Wed 12th
DEC 2025: No class

FSA Recertification

IDEAL FOR : Persons wanting to renew their Fire Safety Adviser certification as required every 3 years
OUTCOME : Nationally-Recognised Statement of Attainment
DURATION : 1-Day Classroom via Zoom (8.30am-4.30pm Qld Time)
PUAFER001 Identify, prevent and report potential facility emergency situations
PUAFER002 Ensure facility emergency prevention procedures, systems and processes are implemented
PUAFER003 Manage and monitor facility emergency procedures, equipment and other resources
PUAFER004 Respond to facility emergencies
PUAFER005 Operate as part of an emergency control organisation
PUAFER006 Lead an emergency control organisation
PUAFER007 Manage an emergency control organisation
PUAFER008 Confine small emergencies in a facility
COURSE DATES : JAN 2025: No class
*NOTE: If the date is open, there are course vacancies.: FEB 2025: Fri 14th
MAR 2025: Fri 14th
APR 2025: No class
MAY 2025: Fri 9th
JUN 2025: Fri 13th
JUL 2025: Fri 11th
AUG 2025: Fri 22nd
SEP 2025: No class
OCT 2025: Fri 10th
NOV 2025: Fri 14th
DEC 2025: No class


Fire Safety Advisor Course

There are no prerequisites for the Fire Safety Advisor course.

This course is delivered via interactive video using the Zoom application.  You MUST have video capability (webcam & microphone) to participate in this course.

The course can be accessed via laptop, desktop, tablet or mobile phone.

FSA Recertification Course

This course is only open to students who are within the 3 year validity period of their previous Fire Safety Advisor course or recertification.  If your previous Fire Safety Advisor qualification has expired, you will be required to complete the full Fire Safety Advisor course.

This course is delivered via interactive video using the Zoom application.  You MUST have video capability (webcam & microphone) to participate in this course.

The course can be accessed via laptop, desktop, tablet or mobile phone.

Pre-Entry Requirements

Language and Literacy requirements for the unit are:

  • Writing is required to the level of completing written and workplace project assessments
  • Reading is required to enable the determination of information through the student manual
  • Computer literacy is required to the level of completing a workplace project via a web-based personal learning portal

To successfully demonstrate competence students must be able to:

  • communicate clearly and in an effective manner
  • give and follow instructions and delegate effectively
  • demonstrate effective leadership and decision-making
  • report emergency prevention problems and suggestions for correction
  • adhere to documented workplace emergency procedures
  • exercise leadership

Assessment Methods

Fire Safety Advisor Course

The Fire Safety Advisor course contains progressive assessment throughout the course, including demonstration of practical skills and written and oral questions relating to underpinning knowledge. Students are required to complete a workplace project following their course attendance.

Workplace Project

Fire Safety Advisor course students are required to complete a workplace project following the 2-day course.  This project enables the student to use the knowledge and skills gained during the classroom training for practical application to their own workplace.  The workplace project is completed online via DELTRA Australia’s website where each student receives access to their own personal learning portal with reading and practical tasks to be completed.  Typically, students complete the workplace project within one month following the classroom training.

Students attending the FSA Recertification course are not required to complete a workplace project.

FSA Recertification Course

DELTRA Australia’s Fire Safety Advisor recertification course consists of a 3-step process:

  1. Complete an online assessment prior to the course, upon enrolment. Students should allow approximately 30-40 minutes to complete the enrolment process.
  2. Conduct a fire safety audit in your workplace using the QFES Fire Safety Management Tool for Owner/Occupiers (a link to access this tool is provided upon enrolment).
  3. Attend a one-day refresher course in the classroom. Students are required to perform practical activities and participate in discussion throughout the duration of the course.

FSA Recertification students are required to achieve competency in both written and practical assessment. In order to reduce the classroom time required, students must bring the following documentation to their refresher day:

  • A JP-certified copy of your previous Fire Safety Advisor Statement of Attainment. This certificate must be within the validity period of 3 years from the date of issue.  (If you attended your previous course with DELTRA Australia, you are not required to bring a copy of your certificate.)
  • A completed Fire Safety Audit which you have conducted in your workplace using the QFES Fire Safety Management Tool for Owner/Occupiers.
  • A copy of your workplace emergency plan (including an evacuation diagram).
  • A copy of your fire and emergency training records for the past 12 months (including evacuation practice reports).

Students who do not bring these documents to the refresher day will be required to complete additional work after the course, which will delay issuing of the recertification certificate.


Course Location

Our Fire Safety Advisor courses are conducted VIA INTERACTIVE VIDEO, or at your premises for groups by request.