QLD FireQLD fire legislation requires Fire Safety Advisers (FSAs) for buildings that come under the definition of “high occupancy”.

QLD Fire Safety Advisor Service

Our Fire Safety Adviser Service eliminates the risk and cost of having to replace your own FSA if they move on.  When it comes to evacuation planning, instruction and practice, you can be confident that our Fire Safety Adviser Service ensures your compliance with the training and instruction requirements of the Queensland Building Fire Safety Regulation 2008.

Our Fire Safety Adviser Service is provided as part of our Platinum Fire Safety Compliance Package.  This package provides you with everything that you need to ensure that you are meeting the training and instruction requirements of the Queensland Building Fire Safety Regulation 2008.

30% Discount Off Online Staff (General Evacuation) Instruction
30% Discount Off Online Extinguisher (First Response) Instruction
FREE! Travel ex. Brisbane to service areas
ECO (Evacuation Coordination) Training
Evacuation Practice
Practical Extinguisher (First Response) Training
Chief Warden (Evacuation Coordinator) Training
Fire Safety Adviser Service including EPC Meeting
Fire Safety Management Audit
Multi-Year Discounts Apply!
Payment Plan Available
Serving Brisbane, Ipswich, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast, Toowoomba

For more information

Send an enquiry NOW!