As a Registered Training Organisation, DELTRA Australia has agreed to operate within the Principles and Standards of the Australian Quality Training Framework. This includes a commitment to recognise the training qualifications issued by other Registered Training Organisations.
DELTRA Australia’s policy meets all legislative requirements of State and Federal Government. In particular, Work Health and Safety, Workplace Relations and Vocational Placement Standards are met at all times.
1. Access and Equity
All students are recruited in an ethical and responsible manner and consistent with the requirements of the curriculum or National Training Package. Our Access and Equity Policy ensures that student selection decisions comply with equal opportunity legislation.
Appropriately qualified staff will assess the extent to which the applicant is likely to achieve the stated competency standards and outcomes of the course, based on their qualifications and experience.
2. Quality Management Focus
DELTRA Australia has a commitment to providing a quality service and a focus on continuous improvement. We value feedback from students, staff and employers for incorporation into future programs.
3. Client Service
DELTRA Australia prides itself on the standard of its client service. The following standards comprehensively outline the client service offered by DELTRA Australia:
- DELTRA Australia will, at all times, endeavour to address and provide industry standard training and assessment.
- The issuance of national recognised qualifications and Statements of Attainment will always occur within seven working days of successful student completion.
- DELTRA Australia is committed to providing a safe and productive learning environment. Training is delivered in an environment which allows for achievement of the training aims and which satisfies statutory Work Health and Safety requirements and Workplace Standards.
- DELTRA Australia ensures that clients are not kept in any element of a training program longer than is necessary for the achievement of the agreed training outcomes.
- All staff embrace DELTRA Australia’s commitment to the continual introduction of more flexible, student oriented delivery and assessment arrangements. Delivery personnel will always be aware of the special needs of studetns, and delivery/assessment methodology will always be adapted to meet students’ needs.
- DELTRA Australia promotes and develops the full potential and integrity of each student while respecting and celebrating individual differences.
- DELTRA Australia continues its vision for the future and develops a flexibility to be able to make a positive response to the challenges of a changing society.
- DELTRA Australia provides effective pastoral care for all students through the processes of recognition, affirmation and encouragement.
Our quality focus includes a Recognition of Prior Learning Policy, a fair and equitable Refund Policy, a Client Complaints and Appeal Policy, an Access and Equity Policy and student welfare and guidance services. Where necessary, arrangements are made for those students requiring literacy and/or numeracy support programs. We take every opportunity to ensure that this information is disseminated, understood and valued by personnel and students.
Our student information ensures that all fees and charges are known to students before enrolment, that course content and assessment procedures are explained and that vocational outcomes are outlined.
4. External Audit
DELTRA Australia has agreed to participate in monitoring and audit processes required by ASQA. This covers random compliance audits, audit following complaint and audit for the purposes of re-registration.
5. Management and Administration
DELTRA Australia has policies and management strategies which ensure sound financial and administrative practices. Management guarantees the organisation’s sound financial position and safeguards student fees until used for training/assessment. We have a Refund Policy which is fair and equitable. Student records are managed securely and confidentially and are available for student perusal on request. DELTRA Australia has adequate insurance policies.
6. Marketing and Advertising
DELTRA Australia markets our vocational education and training products with integrity, accuracy and professionalism, avoiding vague and ambiguous statements. In the provision of information, no false or misleading comparisons are drawn with any other training organization or training product.
7. Training and Assessment Standards
DELTRA Australia has personnel with appropriate qualifications and experience to deliver the training and facilitate the assessment relevant to the training products offered. Assessment meets the requirements of the AQTF (including Recognition for Prior Learning and Credit Transfer). Adequate facilities, equipment and training materials are utilised to ensure the learning environment is conducive to the success of students.