office-170639_1280AS3745-2010 requires that an Emergency Planning Committee, or EPC, be established for every workplace.  Depending on the nature of the company, the EPC may be formed either for an individual site or a group of sites.

The EPC is responsible for the development, implementation and maintenance of the site’s emergency plan, emergency procedures and training.  These responsibilities may be undertaken in conjunction with specialist service providers.

Membership of the EPC

AS3745-2010 requires that that EPC consist of no less than two members who are representative of the stakeholders in the site.  At least one member of the EPC must be “competent” (ie. a person who has acquired through training, education, qualification, experience, or a combination of these, the knowledge and skill enabling him/her to correctly perform the required task).  In Queensland, this requirement may be met by appointing a Fire Safety Adviser.

EPC Meetings

AS3745-2010 requires the EPC to meet at least annually.  A record of EPC meetings must be maintained.

Responsibilities of the EPC

AS3745-2010 Section 2.2 states that the responsibilities of the EPC include:

  • identifying events that could produce emergency situations
  • developing an emergency plan and nominate its validity period
  • ensuring that resources are provided to enable the implementation of the emergency plan
  • ensuring that the emergency plan is available to the appropriate people
  • establishing an Emergency Control Organisation (ECO)
  • establishing a specialist Emergency Response Team (ERT) if required for the site
  • ensuring that the register of ECO members is current
  • establishing strategies to ensure visitors are made aware of emergency response procedures
  • reviewing the emergency response procedures annually
  • ensuring that the emergency plan is reviewed

Indemnity of the EPC

AS3745-2010 Section 2.5 states, “Facility owners, managers, occupiers and employers should obtain professional advice on the level of indemnity provided to EPC members.  The EPC members should be advised of the level of indemnity provided”.